Sensory Friendly Businesses in Lexington, KY

Wilson Pediatric is on a mission to help our families who have little ones with sensory sensitivities. We have partnered with local businesses that pledge to join our Sensory Friendly Business Initiative(S-FBI). These businesses pledge to train their staff to be more sensitive, aware and accommodating as well as offering sensory-friendly accommodations.

Sensory Sensitive Sundays- Open 2 hours early on the first Sunday of every month

Sensory Sensitive Saturday- First Saturday of every month from 8am-10am

Sensory-friendly showings of plays- Check website for details

Noise cancelling/volume adjustable headsets available upon request

Would you like to help families in your community feel more welcome in your business? We are currently working on finding businesses to join our initiative. If you are interested, fill out the form below!